Typed Locale

Getting Started

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using typed-locale in your project. We'll cover installation, basic configuration, and a simple usage example.


First, you need to install typed-locale in your project. You can do this using npm, yarn, or pnpm.

Using npm:

npm install typed-locale

Using yarn:

yarn add typed-locale

Using pnpm:

pnpm add typed-locale

Basic Setup

Once you've installed typed-locale, you can start using it in your project. Here's a step-by-step guide to set up a basic translation system:

1. Create a Translation Object

First, create a file to define your translations. For example, translations.ts:

import {plural} from 'typed-locale'; export const en = { hello: 'Hello', helloName: 'Hello, {{name}}', youHaveMessages: plural({ none: 'You have no messages', one: 'You have 1 message', other: 'You have {{count}} messages', }), } as const;

2. Create a Translator

Next, create a translator using your translation object:

import {createTranslator} from 'typed-locale'; import {en} from './translations'; const translator = createTranslator(en);

3. Use the Translator

Now you can use the translator in your application:

// Simple translation const greeting = translator(t => t.hello); console.log(greeting); // Output: 'Hello' // Translation with variables const nameGreeting = translator(t => t.helloName({name: 'World'})); console.log(nameGreeting); // Output: 'Hello, World' // Pluralization const noMessages = translator(t => t.youHaveMessages({count: 0})); console.log(noMessages); // Output: 'You have no messages' const oneMessage = translator(t => t.youHaveMessages({count: 1})); console.log(oneMessage); // Output: 'You have 1 message' const manyMessages = translator(t => t.youHaveMessages({count: 5})); console.log(manyMessages); // Output: 'You have 5 messages'

Type Safety

One of the key features of typed-locale is its type safety. TypeScript will catch errors if you try to use non-existent keys or provide incorrect variables:

// This will cause a TypeScript error because 'nonexistent' is not a valid key translator(t => t.nonexistent); // This will cause a TypeScript error because 'age' is not a valid variable for helloName translator(t => t.helloName({age: 30}));

Next Steps

This basic setup demonstrates the core functionality of typed-locale. In the following sections, we'll explore more advanced features such as:

  • Working with multiple languages
  • Using dictionaries for language switching
  • Implementing lazy loading for large translation sets
  • Advanced pluralization and variable usage

By mastering these concepts, you'll be able to create robust, type-safe internationalization systems for your TypeScript projects.